Weedsport, NY — November 30, 2009 – By Tom Skibinski, DIRTcar Racing Northeast PR Director
In preparation for the start of the upcoming DIRTcar Racing season in the Northeast Sportsman and Pro Stock teams continue ongoing preparations for the 2010 season. In the midst of those is preparing for DIRTcar’s new Shock Absorber decal program.
As a part of the program several manufacturer’s have submitted shock absorbers for participation, including AFCO www.afcoracing.com; Genesis www.genesisshocks.com; Bilstein www.bilstein.com and Pro Shock www.proshocks.com.
Whether purchased new or using inventory from previous seasons, every shock must still be correctly identified and color-coded for proper clearance on the DIRTcar Racing circuit in 2010.
To further implement this rule book revision, Bilstein Shocks serviced shock absorbers eligible for competition next season at the recent National Parts Peddler Trade Show in Syracuse. Following the conclusion of the show, Bilstein in concert with it’s dealer network has outlined outlets taking part in the “DIRTcar” approved shock absorber decal program.
Due to the high volume of shocks inspected at the recent National Parts Peddler Trade Show at the NYS Fairgrounds in Syracuse, teams still in need of the appropriate decals may contact one of the following locales — with each maintaining the necessary dyno equipment to test on-site old shock absorbers and determine their legality.
Authorized DIRTcar / Bilstein Shocks decal dealers in the Northeast are:
Behrent Speed Center – Florida, NY
Jeff Behrent (845/651-7389), sales@behrents.com
Bicknell Racing Products – St.Catharines, ONT
Ted Curvin (905/685-4291), tedcurvin@bicknellracingproducts.com
Fastline Performance – Cassville, NY
Bruce Harwood (315/525-1859), fastlineperformance@hotmail.com
PMC Race Cars – Castleton on Hudson, NY
Pete Chutka (518/479-3476), pmcfabinc@aol.com
Teo Pro Car Fabrication – Vernon, NJ
Joe Knoth (973/764-5500), teopro@warwick.net
Troyer Race Cars – Rochester, NY
Billy Colton (585/352-5590), bill@troyerracecars.com
Questions and concerns can be directed to both DIRTcar Competition Director Joe Skotnicki at 704/796-4566 or via e-mail at jskotnicki@dirtcar.com, and DIRTcar NE Chief Technical Inspector Bob Dini (845/358-5049, bdini@dirtcar.com). For additional information, please contact the DIRTcar NE Regional Office (315/834-6606) during normal business hours.
DIRTcar Racing Northeast main office is located in Weedsport, New York on the Cayuga County Fairgrounds, home of DIRTcar All-Star Weekend in July. DIRTcar Northeast’s crown jewel event —Super DIRT Week at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse runs annually in October featuring Hoosier Tire-VP Racing Fuels Mr. DIRTcar Championship Series events for Big-Block Modified, 358-Modified, Sportsman and Pro Stock divisions. Ticket and schedule information is available by contacting the Weedsport office (315/834-6606) during the day or logging into www.superdirtweekonline.com anytime.
The Big-Block Super DIRTcar Series is brought to fans across the Northeast by several sponsors and partners, including series sponsors Hoosier Racing Tire www.hoosiertire.com and VP Racing Fuels www.vpracingfuels.com. Promotional partners include Rite Aid Corporation www.riteaid.com, Dig Safely New York www.digsafelynewyork.com and the University of Northwestern Ohio www.unoh.com and the contingency sponsors are Bars Leaks www.barsproducts.com, Bert Transmission www.berttransmission.com, Bicknell Racing Products www.bicknellracingproducts.com, Bilstein Shocks www.bilstein.com, Brodix Cylinder Heads www.brodix.com, Ferris Industries www.ferrisindustries.com, Integra Shocks www.integrashocksandsprings.com, Intercomp www.intercomp-racing.com, KSE Racing Products www.kse-racing.com, Motorsports Safety Systems www.motorsportssafetysystems.com, Penske Shocks, www.penskeshocks.com, Racing Electronics www.racingelectronics.com, Rislone Oil Stabilizer www.barsproducts.com and Wrisco Industries www.wrisco.com.
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