Weedsport, NY — April 2, 2009 – By Tom Skibinski, DIRTcar Racing Northeast PR Director
Looks a little cloudy outside? Smell some dampness in the air? Its race day and you want to get to the track but it’s a long drive with the kids. The phone lines are all tied up and you need to know right now, is there racing? What can you do?
If you are a registered user with RainedOut.com you would already know!
By providing a cell phone number, or e-mail address if just as active on-line, messages will be transmitted immediately to wherever you are. No more calling the cancellation line or guessing on track conditions from miles away, you will be automatically alerted with the status of weather whenever the forecast is questionable.
For first time users, just log into www.rainedout.com. Once on the homepage type Canandaigua Speedway, Cayuga County Fair Speedway or Rolling Wheels Raceway Park (each track requires separate registration, although the same user name/password can be designated) in the box provided at the top. When redirected, select the link below to the chosen track then click “Sign Up Now” to begin.
A registration form will appear, fill out the appropriate information and hit enter to submit. A cell phone text message will be received momentarily, offering a validation code that needs to be typed in to complete the registration.
That’s it, hopefully now you’re off to the races!
First devised by a soccer coach one fall morning when gray skies hovered overhead, RainedOut™ gained instant credibility as a timely means of communication to get out game cancellation information. It became a proven method that didn’t require rapid speed dials, web page refreshes or even phone tree exercises, while relieving the constant frustration of calling a hotline answering machine time after time. Today, RainedOut.com is operated and managed by soccer (and baseball) parents in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area with service available across all of North America.
Opening day racing is scheduled at Canandaigua Speedway on Saturday, April 18, Cayuga County Fair Speedway on Sunday, April 19, and Rolling Wheels Raceway Park on Sunday May 3. For additional information, contact General Manager Jack Deery (x224) or Public Relations and Promotions Coordinator Jen Brown (x229) in the DIRTcar Northeast Office (315/834-6606) during normal business hours. Surf the web at www.canandaiguaspeedway.com, www.cayugacountyfairspeedway.com or www.rollingwheelsraceway.com anytime to find out more about the ’09 race season.
DIRTcar Racing Northeast main office is located in Weedsport, New York on the Cayuga County Fairgrounds www.cayugacountyfairspeedway.com, home of the 2009 DIRTcar All-Star Weekend, July 17-19, featuring Hoosier Tire-VP Racing Fuels Mr. DIRTcar Championship Series events for Sportsman and Big-Block Modifieds in the richest short-track show of its kind in the nation — the $20,000-to-win Advance Auto Parts Super DIRTcar Series “DIRTcar All-Star 100” on Sunday, July 19.
Headquartered in Roanoke, Va., Advance Auto Parts, a leading automotive aftermarket retailer of parts, accessories, batteries, and maintenance items in the United States, serves both the do-it-yourself and professional installer markets As of April 19, 2008, the Company operated 3,291 stores in 40 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Additional information about the Company, employment opportunities, customer services, and on-line shopping for parts and accessories can be found on the Company’s web site at www.advanceautoparts.com.
The Advance Auto Parts Super DIRTcar Series for Big-Block Modifieds is brought to fans across the Northeast by several sponsors and partners, including series sponsors Advance Auto Parts, Hoosier Racing Tire www.hoosiertire.com and VP Racing Fuels www.vpracingfuels.com. Promotional partners include Rite Aid Corporation www.riteaid.com, Dig Safely New York www.digsafelynewyork.com and the University of Northwestern Ohio www.unoh.com and the contingency sponsors are Bars Leaks www.barsproducts.com, Bert Transmission www.berttransmission.com, Bicknell Racing Products www.bicknellracingproducts.com, Bilstein Shocks www.bilstein.com, Brodix Cylinder Heads www.brodix.com, Ferris Industries www.ferrisindustries.com, Integra Shocks www.integrashocksandsprings.com, Intercomp www.intercomp-racing.com, KSE Racing Products www.kse-racing.com, Motorsports Safety Systems www.motorsportssafetysystems.com, Penske Shocks, www.penskeshocks.com, Racing Electronics www.racingelectronics.com, Rislone Oil Stabilizer www.barsproducts.com and Wrisco Industries www.wrisco.com.
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