Weedsport, NY — August 17, 2010 – Tom Skibinski, DIRTcar Racing Northeast PR Director
A reminder that the deadline for all working media members requesting access to Super DIRT Week XXXIX, Oct. 6-10, has been set for Sept. 15 to allow adequate time for proper authorization and processing of credentials. ALL REQUESTS MUST STILL BE MADE IN WRITING EVEN IF INDIVIDUALS HOLD A VALID 2010 DIRT PRESS CARD.
Credential requests made by the supervising editor on company letterhead must indicate medium represented, specific assignment, area of access required, coverage dates and e-mail address(es). All 2010 Super DIRT Week press credentials will be held at the New York State Fairgrounds’ Gate 7 ‘Will Call’ window beginning Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 12noon; remaining open 24-hours through Sunday.
Approved SDW vests are required for cinder track access (PIT ROAD REMAINS RESTRICTED DURING RACING and admittance will NOT be allowed into certain areas – including the cement stage on frontstretch) and must be signed for with display of a photo ID that remains mandatory at registration. PERSONAL VESTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED AND THE USE OF AN UNAUTHORIZED VEST TO GAIN ACCESS TO RESTRICTED AREAS WARRANTS REVOCATION OF ALL PRESS PRIVILEGES FOR THE REMINDER OF THE WEEK.
Raceday staff will be out in full force during the week ready to help answer questions and supply timely information. The Public Relations team led by World Racing Group Director Chris Dolack, Kevin Kovac, Amanda Hirko and Jean Lynch will be assisting in the Infield Pits Conference Center while DIRTcar Racing Northeast PR Director Tom Skibinski will continue to supply complete race day reports with photos posted on the SuperDIRTcarSeries.com and DIRTcar.com homepages daily. Senior photographers Bill Moore and Alex Bruce will be handling cinder track vest allocation and be stationed trackside coordinating victory lane shoots.
Once Super DIRT Week gets underway, log into www.superdirtweekonline.com to find the most updated information including rosters, race reports & results, photo galleries and event schedule as the week unfolds.
Contact Tom Skibinski (cell 585/350-8997) at DIRTcar NE Headquarters (315/834-6606 x226) or via e-mail tskibinski@dirtcar.com to obtain further Super DIRT Week press material. The cut-off date for securing appropriate credentials remains Wednesday, Sept. 15.
To Request Credentials: Requests from media members to staff Super DIRT Week motorsports events must be event-specific, typed on company letterhead, include an outline of proposed coverage, and be signed by the editor/director then mailed to the office (no phone calls please). Media credential requests must be received at DIRTcar Northeast Headquarters by September 15, 2010. Meeting credential requirements does not guarantee a credential will be issued. Proof of coverage from Super DIRT Week ’09 or the 2010 season for first time affiliates (tear sheets, video tape, audio tape, etc.) is required from all outlets. Credentials are available to authorized personnel only for the purpose of providing timely coverage of Super DIRT Week events.
Traditional Media: Media credentials will be issued only to recognized newspapers, news services, related trade publications, television and radio networks and local television and radio stations. All requests must be made by the editor or representative, sports editor or sports director. To be considered for Credentials, the media outlet must meet the following minimum DIRTcar Racing requirements:
1. TV/Radio/Newspapers must serve DIRTcar Racing regional markets or individual track market directly; one-time exceptions may be made for special interest subjects.
2. Trade/industry publications must be “of record” for the sport, or provide coverage of events with a minimum of regular results coverage.
3. Annual publications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Websites: To be considered for Media Credentials the website must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Must have its own unique URL (no sub-domains/sub-directories)
2. 2 million hits/month; traffic must be verified (e.g. WebTrends)
3. Must be a site “of record” for the sport and provide regular updates on DIRTcar events – minimum regular coverage of results, visible link to DIRTcar website.
4. Updated at least 3 times per week during season and display current information.
5. Appearance and functionality must be of a level consistent with commercial websites.
Freelance: Due to insurance and safety considerations, all access passes are very limited and available only to qualified media. Photo agencies, “stock” agencies, photo vendors and paid membership “press” will not be considered. All freelance media must be on assignment per guidelines above.
DIRTcar Racing Northeast main office is located in Weedsport, New York on the Cayuga County Fairgrounds, home of DIRTcar All-Star Weekend in July. DIRTcar Northeast’s crown jewel event —Super DIRT Week at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse runs annually in October featuring Hoosier Tire-VP Racing Fuels Mr. DIRTcar Championship Series events for Big-Block Modified, 358-Modified, Sportsman and Pro Stock divisions. Ticket and schedule information is available by contacting the Weedsport office (315/834-6606) during the day or logging into www.allstar100weekend.com and www.superdirtweekonline.com anytime.
The Big-Block Super DIRTcar Series is brought to fans across the Northeast by several sponsors and partners, including series sponsors Hoosier Racing Tire www.hoosiertire.com and VP Racing Fuels www.vpracingfuels.com. Promotional partners include the University of Northwestern Ohio www.unoh.com and Chizmark & Larson Insurance www.chizmarklarson.com, and contingency sponsors are Bicknell Racing Products www.bicknellracingproducts.com, Bilstein Shocks www.bilstein.com, KSE Racing Products www.kse-racing.com, Motorsports Safety Systems www.motorsportssafetysystems.com, MSD Ignition www.msdignition.com, Penske Shocks, www.penskeshocks.com, Racing Electronics www.racingelectronics.com, Vicci Racing Apparel www.vicci.com and Wrisco Industries www.wrisco.com.
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