Weedsport, NY — March 11, 2010 – By Tom Skibinski, DIRTcar Racing Northeast Series PR Director
One of the most prestigious titles a driver can hold in short-track auto racing today remains that of the overall Hoosier Tire-VP Racing Fuels Mr. DIRTcar Champion.
Hoosier-VP Mr. DIRTcar champs in 2010 will once again be determined by tabulating points earned in the Super DIRTcar Series for Big-Block Modifieds and the Mr. DIRTcar Championship Series for 358-Modified, Sportsman and Pro Stock teams, along with bonuses collected at a driver’s respective home track in each divisional DIRTcar Regional Racing Series.
“Each touring series will continue to account for the bulk of the points towards our Mr. DIRTcar titles, yet bonus points picked up at a weekly home track will be just as valuable,” noted Joe Skotnicki, DIRTcar Northeast Director of Competition & Track Sanctioning. “Participation throughout the season, on weekends and in mid-week shows, offers as many teams as possible the chance to maximize their earnings both at home and on the road.”
Points earned in either the season-long Super DIRTcar Series or Mr. DIRTcar Championship trails combined with bonus points issued after Labor Day from a driver’s hometrack will determine the overall titlist in 2010. Each licensed track champion will receive 1,000 points, with the 25th-place driver earning 900 at his best track during the year.
The customary 100-point format will be in effect for all four series, with the Big-Block division experiencing the only exceptions during All-Star Weekend at Brewerton and Cayuga County Fair speedways and in those events staged after August. The 60-point structure will be used in the 50-lappers at Brewerton (July 15) and Cayuga County (July 16) as well as each of the three features comprising the All-Star 100 at CCFS on July 17, while the 150-point profile will be followed for six events beginning Sept. 5 at Cayuga County. Complete track and series point guidelines are listed in the Official DIRTcar NE Rulebook.
For further questions regarding the 2010 Mr. DIRTcar Championship format or race schedules, please contact Director Joe Skotnicki (704/796-4566) or log into the homepages at www.superdirtcarseries.com and www.dirtcar.com to find out more about the entire circuit.
DIRTcar Racing Northeast main office is located in Weedsport, New York on the Cayuga County Fairgrounds, home of DIRTcar All-Star Weekend in July. DIRTcar Northeast’s crown jewel event —Super DIRT Week at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse runs annually in October featuring Hoosier Tire-VP Racing Fuels Mr. DIRTcar Championship Series events for Big-Block Modified, 358-Modified, Sportsman and Pro Stock divisions. Ticket and schedule information is available by contacting the Weedsport office (315/834-6606) during the day or logging into www.allstar100weekend.com and www.superdirtweekonline.com anytime.
The Big-Block Super DIRTcar Series is brought to fans across the Northeast by several sponsors and partners, including series sponsors Hoosier Racing Tire www.hoosiertire.com and VP Racing Fuels www.vpracingfuels.com. Promotional partners include Rite Aid Corporation www.riteaid.com, Dig Safely New York www.digsafelynewyork.com and the University of Northwestern Ohio www.unoh.com and the contingency sponsors are Bars Leaks www.barsproducts.com, Bert Transmission www.berttransmission.com, Bicknell Racing Products www.bicknellracingproducts.com, Bilstein Shocks www.bilstein.com, Brodix Cylinder Heads www.brodix.com, Ferris Industries www.ferrisindustries.com, Integra Shocks www.integrashocksandsprings.com, Intercomp www.intercomp-racing.com, KSE Racing Products www.kse-racing.com, Motorsports Safety Systems www.motorsportssafetysystems.com, Penske Shocks, www.penskeshocks.com, Racing Electronics www.racingelectronics.com, Rislone Oil Stabilizer www.barsproducts.com and Wrisco Industries www.wrisco.com.
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